Vergato, Bologna - Italy

Latitude: 44°17.25' N - Longitude: 011°06.67' E - Altitude: 230 meters

Current Weather Conditions

sab 17 feb 2024 - 10:36:56 (CEST) - 09:36:56 (UTC)



 - HR: 


 - SL Pressure: 

1026,0 hPa

 - Wind: 


 - Rain: 

0,0 mm

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature N/A
Wind Chill N/A
Heat Index N/A
Dewpoint N/A
Humidity N/A
Barometer 1026,0 hPa
Barometer Trend (3 hours) 2,0 hPa
Wind N/A from N/A (N/A)
Rain Rate 0,0 mm/hr
Inside Temperature 18,8°C
Inside Humidity 43%


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Humidity
Low Humidity
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1026,0 hPa at 08:54:54
1023,0 hPa at 03:04:00
Today's Rain 0,0 mm
High Rain Rate 0,0 mm/hr at 00:00:21
High Wind N/A from N/A at N/A
Average Wind N/A
RMS Wind N/A
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
18,8°C at 09:28:00
17,6°C at 07:59:10
High Inside Humidity
Low Inside Humidity
43% at 00:00:21
42% at 08:21:58


High Temperature
Low Temperature
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Humidity
Low Humidity
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1023,0 hPa at 23:32:00
1019,0 hPa at 13:36:00
Yesterday's Rain 0,0 mm
High Rain Rate 0,0 mm/hr at 00:00:08
High Wind N/A from N/A at N/A
Average Wind N/A
RMS Wind N/A
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
High Inside Temperature
Low Inside Temperature
19,0°C at 19:02:35
17,5°C at 07:39:56
High Inside Humidity
Low Inside Humidity
44% at 00:00:08
41% at 16:00:17


Radar Europe

Click image for expanded radar loop

The forecast is: 

Fine weather

Issued at 28-lug-2020 09:00 (Forecasting method 'Zambretti')

Forcast by Dark Sky

Summary next 6 hours
Details next 72 hours

Use contextual help moving the mouse over the symbols
Click the triangle to the Left for detailed forecasts


DS forecast
report generated in 0.545 s

forecast version: 3.3.0
skin version: 3.0.2

About this weather station:
This station uses a WMR928N, controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python.
Weewx was designed to be simple, fast, and easy to understand by leveraging modern software concepts.
Weewx uptime: 27365 seconds
weewx v4.10.2
Server uptime: 27399 seconds
Running on Raspberry PI 2B
Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 06:42:39
Sunrise: 07:12:48
Transit: 12:29:33
Sunset: 17:46:56
End civil twilight: 18:17:07
Azimuth: 148.2°
Altitude: 28.0°
Right ascension: 330.4°
Declination: -12.1°
Equinox: 20/03/2024 04:06:20
Solstice: 20/06/2024 22:51:01
Rise: 10:58:41
Transit: 19:07:23
Set: 02:15:10
Azimuth: 49.2°
Altitude: -2.5°
Right ascension: 65.8°
Declination: 24.8°
Full moon: 24/02/2024 13:30:20
New moon: 10/03/2024 10:00:20
Phase: First quarter
(58% full)
temperature - dewpoint




Rain rate


Wind direction

Sea Level Pressure

Inside temp

CSS Valido!